The weather in Taipei is getting colder so mom bought Changton an ear piece to keep his ears warm. However, Changton wears it as a headphone. He dances and runs around the house wearing the ear piece and carrying not only his dear monkey but also his lion that Na Som gave him.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Our first visitors of the year
On Jan 6-10 Changton welcomed our dear guests from Australia, Grandpa Peter and Grandma Del (mom's supervisor and his wife), from Thailand, Grandma Maliwan (mom's dearest friend) and Pa Jeab, who was on her business trip and happened to fly on the same flight with our guests. So our house was packed with happiness and laugher.
Changton was shy the first time he met the Grands; he spent his time observing the guests. The next day he got better, though not yet himself; he started to play with the Grands, especially Grandma Maliwan.
The Grands came with the gifts for the boy. Thank you very much!
A cute Aussie Koala and a book from Grandpa Peter and Grandma del.
Grandma Maliwan presented the gift for Changton. Mom wanted to take a photo. After mom said "Pose!" Changton quickly crossed his arms. No, he didn't mean to reject the gift. He was just posing for a photo...ha ha! Grandma Maliwan gave him a few handsome clothes. Unfortunately, Changton has to wait for another year or two before wearing them.
On the Grands' last day in Taipei, Changton had a chance to join them for Yang Ming mountain and Beitou, the hot spring area. The weather was so cold. When we reached the top of the mountain, it was only 2 degree!
The hot spring in Beitou.
Felt the hot spring!
Group photo in front of the landmark clock at Yangmingshan Park.
A little picnic up in the mountain. We had sushi and hot tea to keep us warm.
Our group photo taken by daddy.
What a good time we had together. Thank you for coming to visit us in Taipei. Can't wait for our next reunion!